Thank you for enrolling to our Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) Course!
You can process your payment using any of the options below:
Payment By Credit/Debit Card
Pay as You Go ($50 Deposit)
4-Class Bulk Payment ($90)
8-Class Bulk Payment ($160)
Payment By Internet Transfer
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Indonesian Language Consultancy
BSB No: 062 016
Account No: 1117 3446
Please put your name in the description when you make the transfer and send a copy of your receipt to to help us track your payment.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us at or 1300 732 661 if you have any enquiries regarding your enrolment or the course that you have enrolled to.
Important Information
- If you paid by Paypal, you should receive a confirmation of payment and receipt within 24-hours from the time of your payment.
- If you paid by Internet transfer, please allow 2-3 working days for us to send you the confirmation of payment and receipt.
- We will keep in touch with you and send course confirmation email within 2 working days before the course starts.
We look forward to having you in our class. Sampai jumpa!
Indonesian Language Consultancy