We’re glad to know that you want to continue!
You can process your payment for your next classes using any of the options below:
Payment By Credit/Debit Card
Payment By Internet Transfer
1-Class Payment ($30)
2-Class Payment ($60)
3-Class Payment ($90)
4-Class Bulk Payment ($100)
5-Class Bulk Payment ($125)
6-Class Bulk Payment ($140)
Account Name: Indonesian Language Consultancy
BSB No: 062 016
Account No: 1117 3446
Please put your name in the description when you make the transfer and send a copy of your receipt to tutoring@ilc-sydney.com to help us track your payment.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us at tutoring@ilc-sydney.com or 1300 732 661 if you have any enquiries regarding your enrolment or the course that you have enrolled to.
Important Information
- If you paid by Paypal, you should receive a confirmation of payment and receipt within 24-hours from the time of your payment.
- If you paid by Internet transfer, please allow 2-3 working days for us to send you the confirmation of payment and receipt.
- We will keep in touch with you and send course confirmation email within 2 working days before the course starts.
Terima kasih banyak. Sampai jumpa!
Indonesian Language Consultancy