‘Tahu’ or ‘Kenal’
‘Tahu’ and ‘kenal’ both mean to know in Indonesian. They are root words that are commonly used in the language. You might have some knowledge about these two words but do you know how to use them properly?
‘Tahu’ is a verb and is used when referring to the speaker’s knowledge of something
In a more specific sense, ‘tahu’ can be seen as ‘to have knowledge of…’
Saya tidak tahu tentang ini
I don’t know about this
They know my problem
‘Kenal’ is a verb that also means to know and is used when referring to a person
Some people might translate ‘kenal’ into ‘to be familiar with…’ or ‘to be acquainted to…’
Saya kenal Sinta.
I know Sinta.
Anda tidak kenal istri saya. You don’t know my wife.
Getting Deeper (1/2)
‘Tahu’ can also be used to refer to a person or things related to the person
As explained above, ‘tahu’ should be used to refer to something and ‘kenal’ should be used to refer to someone. However, ‘tahu’ can also be used to refer to a person but it will deliver a slightly different meaning. It only means that the speaker has knowledge about the person and does not necessarily know them in person (i.e. not an acquaintance).
Saya tahu banyak tentang Michael Jackson. I know a lot about Michael Jackson.
In this sentence, the speaker is implying that he/she has a lot of knowledge about Michael Jackson but might not necessarily be his acquaintance or friend
Saya tahu Rudi. Dia selalu membeli barang-barang mahal. I know Rudi. He always buy expensive stuffs.
In this sentence, the speaker is implying that he/she has a lot of knowledge about Rudi (perhaps in addition to being his friend)
Getting Deeper (2/2)
‘Kenal’ as ‘Mengenal’ can also be used to refer to the speaker’s knowledge of
something that involves engagement, experience and exposure
Interestingly, the word ‘mengenal’ (which originated from ‘kenal’) is often used when the speaker is talking about certain things that involves experience and exposure such as: music, particular sports (basketball, soccer, etc.) or even durian and cigarette.
It can be argued that this is because the word ‘tahu’ implies mere knowledge and does not necessarily imply engagement, experience or exposure to the subject matter (such rule can be observed from example 5 & 6) whilst when we use ‘mengenal’ it is no longer mere knowledge but also engagement, experience and exposure.
Rita sudah mengenal musik sejak kecil. Rita has known music since young.
In this sentence, the speaker is implying that Rita does not only have knowledge of music but also has a lot of exposure, experience and engagement with it.
Budi sudah mengenal sepakbola sejak kelas enam SD. Budi has known soccer since year 6 (primary school).
In this sentence, the speaker is implying that Budi does not only have knowledge of soccer but also has a lot of exposure, experience and engagement with it.
Dodi sudah mengenal rokok sejak SMP. Dodi has known cigarette since junior high school.
In this sentence, the speaker is implying that Dodi does not only have knowledge of cigarette but also has a lot of exposure, experience and engagement with it.
You might be wondering why Indonesians use the word ‘mengenal’ instead of ‘kenal’ in this context. This is because such expression is already formal by nature and hence the word ‘mengenal’ is more appropriate than just ‘kenal’.
Note that in conversations, the same expression can be said by using ‘kenal’ instead (because conversations are usually less formal).
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I think this is a real great article.